Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Man, His Dog and Some Fish

Another incredible night on the river. Weather cooled off just enough and I headed out after dinner to fish until it got too dark to see. Had Tess with me and she enjoyed full run of the trails and river. I have to leash her when I'm fishing though - trying to keep a Lab out of the water is like trying to have the sun rise in the West. She was not pleased being restrained. I caught a few good fish and somehow lost my Dr. Slick clamp (argh!). I toggled between a rusty spinner, sulphur spinner and sulphur. Much of the action came right at sunset and I even fished in the dark for a bit trying to hook up just by listening for the take.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Browns

Awesome Father's Day fishing jaunt. Headed back to the same hole as the other day - this time with my headlamp - preparing to stay until I couldn't see my fly anymore. Early on, things started off slow and I picked off a few smaller ones here and there using sulphurs, spinners and caddis. The action picked up two-fold as it got closer to sunset and I caught some really nice-sized browns using a size 16 Royal Coachman.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Rusty Spinner - It's What's For Dinner

Hit the river tonight from 4:00 p.m. until dark. I spent the first chunk of time feeling things out - looking for bugs, rises, etc., but it was slow going for a while. A few sporadic takes from mostly small browns like the two pictured above. I lost quite a few fish too - hook sets were too quick and I even had some issues with fish trowing the hook (lost what was probably THE biggest brown I've ever caught just as I was about to net him). I switched it up a lot between orange-bodied sulphurs, spinners and rusty spinners. I was expecting more of a spinner fall, but not much was going on bug-wise. The action picked up around 8:30 p.m. and I was getting into bigger fish (it really is true when they say the big boys come out to play when it gets dark), but ultimately had to bail since I was in a new non-trail area and forgot my headlamp. Gorgeous evening though and I shared the river with a huge beaver and a heron, who were only feet away.