Headed out for a short mid-day woods and water jaunt with the pooch - my constant fishing companion. I nymphed the riffles for a bit and threw a March Brown/Hendrickson dry with an emerger to see what was what. I had three takes on the dropper set up, but blew my hook sets (a real fisherman can admit that). Around 12:00ish, I noticed some bugs flying around and happened to capture this guy (pictured left). I quickly switched to a quill-winged Stonefly, but a few casts in, my efforts were cut short with a phone call, requesting that I pick up Easter goodies for the kiddies. Remembering again why I try to stay off the grid when venturing out . . . until next time . . .
Had some time to head out today for a nice hike with my furry, four-legged friend and hit the river for some more scouting and general soul-cleansing. Blackbirds were out and buds are on the trees, so not much longer now until the hatches start. BWOs and Stoneflies have been seen and the river was green and flowing at 152 cfs. I threw some deer hair-winged black stones to fish the riffles mid-afternoon, but didn't have much luck. The water is still in the mid-30s and the few fish I spotted didn't have much interest in moving. The wind was my nemesis today, but as always, it still felt good to get out.
Cabin fever leads to funny things - trying to fill the void between hunting and fishing seasons without losing your mind. Whether it's tying your own flies, attempting to become an amateur bourbon aficionado, researching loading your own ammo, or trail running with the pooch - whatever it may be - it's all a futile attempt to stay sane and satiate the need to get outdoors and do what you love. I guess the upside of some of the hurricanes and weird weather patterns we've experienced lately is that it alters your home river(s) - effectively making the old new again - with new holes, more structure and changed runs. I took the opportunity recently to venture out this winter to explore my stomping grounds and strategize . . . even if that first tug is a few months away.