Kill tree-dwelling vermin, remove PJs, take to flame, chowdown. Drive safely. It's really that simple to get a good meal of squirrel. Limbrat whackin' is truly bigfun any ol' way ya choose it - bow and arrow, pistol, rifle, scattergun, slingshot, falconry, grenades, and my favorite, flamethrower. How can ya go wrong?
My friend Coke and I scouted a new spot along the Gunpowder River this evening. The main season opens on the 28th, but this was an open "put and take" area we had wanted to investigate. As the picture shows - a small Brown and a respectable Rainbow. Should be delicious in the skillet or smoked. Can't wait for warmer temps.
Well it's the end of another memorable hunting season and looking forward to some exciting angling. This picture was taken by me from our goose pit the last hunt of the year. Thought it looked kinda cool shooting up at the stacked decoys in black and white. Might print it and frame it. Kind of a different shot. Hope everyone had a fruitful season - looking forward to throwing some flies soon.